Saturday, March 31, 2012

A sweet April fools joke!

Looking for an April fools joke that is easy, fun, and won’t make people want to retaliate by putting snakes in your bed? This is it!

Picture it: Offer your favorite child, friend, boyfriend, relative, or complete stranger a nice can of fruit.

"Go ahead, pick any one!" Hand them their prefered eating utensil and watch as they pop the can open. Imagine their surprise when...

Hey! That's not fruit! it's...

Chocolate! Surprise! Who wouldn’t love to get chocolate when they were expecting fruit? The best part is that if they want to retaliate, they probably won’t put snakes in your bed or saran wrap over the toilet.

Here’s how you do it. Get a can of something with a pop-can top and a regular tin can bottom. I bought these fruit cocktail cans at Acme. Flip them over and using a can opened that releases the glue seal, NOT one that just cuts through the metal, take off the bottom.

Empty the fruit out then wash and dry out the inside of the can. Then fill the can with whatever you want. Just keep in mind that whatever you want them to see first you want to put into the can first, because the can is upside down.

Once you've filled it up with whatever you want to surprise people with hot glue the bottom back on. If you don't fill the can the whole way up you may want to stuff the empty parts of the can with tissue paper so your surprise doesn't rattle around, make a lot of noise, and give the game away.

Once the hot glue dries flip the can over and give it to your unsuspecting friend. It took me less than 15 minutes from start to finish. So if you're looking for an easy, cute, and fun April Fools joke, try this one!

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